Abstract data container. More...
Classes | |
class | ANumRef |
class | FloatRef |
class | NumRef |
class | DataContainer |
class | GeometricalInfo |
class | VoxelisedGeometricalInfo |
class | ImageData |
class | JacobiCG |
class | Wrapped_sptr |
class | Operator |
class | ImageDataWrap |
class | Quaternion |
Class for quaternions. More... | |
class | AffineTransformation |
Class for affine transformations. More... | |
class | NiftiImageData |
class | ImageWeightedMean |
class | NiftiImageData3D |
Forward declarations. More... | |
class | NiftiBasedRegistration |
Base class for all NIfTI-based registrations. More... | |
class | NiftiImageData3DDisplacement |
Class for displacement SIRF image data. More... | |
class | NiftiImageData3DDeformation |
Class for deformation SIRF image data. More... | |
class | NiftiImageData3DTensor |
Class for tensor SIRF image data. More... | |
class | NiftyAladinSym |
NiftyReg's aladin class for rigid and affine registrations. More... | |
class | NiftyF3dSym |
NiftyReg's f3d class for non-rigid registrations. More... | |
class | NiftyRegistration |
Base class for all NiftyReg registrations. More... | |
class | NiftyResampler |
Resampling class based on nifty resample. More... | |
class | NonRigidTransformation |
Base class for non-rigid transformations. More... | |
class | Parser |
class | ParserKeyBase |
Base for parser keys. More... | |
class | ParserKey0Arg |
Class for parser keys with 0 arguments. More... | |
class | ParserKey1Arg |
Class for parser keys with 1 argument. More... | |
class | ParserKey2Arg |
Class for parser keys with 2 arguments. More... | |
class | Transformation |
Forward declarations. More... | |
class | Registration |
Base class for all SIRF registration. More... | |
class | Resampler |
class | BFOperator |
Backward projection of the forward projected image. More... | |
class | SPMRegistration |
Wrapper around SPM's registration class. More... | |
class | RemoveOversamplingProcessor |
Class for an xml-definition generator for oversampling removing chain. More... | |
class | SimpleReconstructionProcessor |
Class for an xml-definition generator for simple fully sampled reconstruction chain. More... | |
class | SimpleGRAPPAReconstructionProcessor |
Class for an xml-definition generator for simple undersampled GRAPPA reconstruction chain. More... | |
class | ExtractRealImagesProcessor |
Class for an xml-definition generator for real image extracting chain. More... | |
class | FourierEncoding |
Abstract class defining the interface to perform Fourier transforms. More... | |
class | CartesianFourierEncoding |
Class to perform a cartesian FFT. More... | |
class | aGadget |
Abstract base class for a gadget xml-definition generator. More... | |
class | Gadget |
Class for a gadget xml-definition generator. More... | |
class | IsmrmrdAcqMsgReader |
Class for GadgetIsmrmrdAcquisitionMessageReader gadget xml-definition generator. More... | |
class | IsmrmrdAcqMsgWriter |
Class for GadgetIsmrmrdAcquisitionMessageWriter gadget xml-definition generator. More... | |
class | IsmrmrdImgMsgReader |
Class for MRIImageReader gadget xml-definition generator. More... | |
class | ImageMessageWriter |
Base class for generators of xml-definitions of image writer gadgets. More... | |
class | IsmrmrdImgMsgWriter |
Class for MRIImageWriter gadget xml-definition generator. More... | |
class | DicomImageMessageWriter |
Class for DicomImageWriter gadget xml-definition generator. More... | |
class | NoiseAdjustGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of NoiseAdjustGadget. More... | |
class | PCACoilGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of PCACoilGadget. More... | |
class | CoilReductionGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of CoilReductionGadget. More... | |
class | AsymmetricEchoAdjustROGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of AsymmetricEchoAdjustROGadget. More... | |
class | RemoveROOversamplingGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of RemoveROOversamplingGadget. More... | |
class | AcquisitionAccumulateTriggerGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of AcquisitionAccumulateTriggerGadget. More... | |
class | BucketToBufferGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of BucketToBufferGadget. More... | |
class | GenericReconCartesianReferencePrepGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of GenericReconCartesianReferencePrepGadget. More... | |
class | GenericReconEigenChannelGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of GenericReconEigenChannelGadget. More... | |
class | GenericReconPartialFourierHandlingFilterGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of GenericReconPartialFourierHandlingFilterGadget. More... | |
class | GenericReconKSpaceFilteringGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of GenericReconKSpaceFilteringGadget. More... | |
class | SimpleReconGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of SimpleReconGadget. More... | |
class | FFTGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of FFTGadget. More... | |
class | CombineGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of CombineGadget. More... | |
class | GenericReconCartesianFFTGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of GenericReconCartesianFFTGadget. More... | |
class | GenericReconCartesianGrappaGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of GenericReconCartesianGrappaGadget. More... | |
class | GenericReconFieldOfViewAdjustmentGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of GenericReconFieldOfViewAdjustmentGadget. More... | |
class | GenericReconImageArrayScalingGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of GenericReconImageArrayScalingGadget. More... | |
class | FatWaterGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of FatWaterGadget. More... | |
class | ImageArraySplitGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of ImageArraySplitGadget. More... | |
class | PhysioInterpolationGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of PhysioInterpolationGadget. More... | |
class | GPURadialPrepGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of GPURadialPrepGadget. More... | |
class | GPURadialSensePrepGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of GPURadialSensePrepGadget. More... | |
class | GPUSenseGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of GPUSenseGadget. More... | |
class | GPUCGSenseGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of GPUCGSenseGadget. More... | |
class | ExtractGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of ExtractGadget. More... | |
class | AutoScaleGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of AutoScaleGadget. More... | |
class | ComplexToFloatGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of ComplexToFloatGadget. More... | |
class | FloatToFixPointGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of FloatToFixPointGadget. More... | |
class | FloatToUShortGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of FloatToUShortGadget. More... | |
class | FloatToShortGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of FloatToShortGadget. More... | |
class | ImageFinishGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of ImageFinishGadget. More... | |
class | DicomFinishGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of DicomFinishGadget. More... | |
class | AcquisitionFinishGadget |
Class for the generator of xml definition of AcquisitionFinishGadget. More... | |
class | SimpleReconGadgetSet |
Class for xml-definition generator for a simple fully sumpled reconstruction gadget set. More... | |
struct | GadgetMessageIdentifier |
struct | GadgetMessageConfigurationFile |
struct | GadgetMessageScript |
class | GadgetronClientException |
class | GadgetronClientMessageReader |
Abstract base class for receiving messages from Gadgetron server. More... | |
class | GadgetronClientAcquisitionMessageCollector |
Class for accumulating acquisitions sent by Gadgetron server. More... | |
class | GadgetronClientImageMessageCollector |
Class for accumulating ISMRMRD images sent by Gadgetron server. More... | |
class | GadgetronClientBlobMessageReader |
class | GadgetronClientConnector |
Class for communicating with Gadgetron server. More... | |
class | AcquisitionsInfo |
class | KSpaceSubset |
Class to keep track of order in k-space. More... | |
class | MRAcquisitionData |
Abstract MR acquisition data container class. More... | |
class | AcquisitionsVector |
A vector implementation of the abstract MR acquisition data container class. More... | |
class | ISMRMRDImageData |
Abstract Gadgetron image data container class. More... | |
class | GadgetronImagesVector |
A vector implementation of the abstract Gadgetron image data container class. More... | |
class | CoilImagesVector |
A coil images container based on the GadgetronImagesVector class. More... | |
class | CoilSensitivitiesVector |
A coil sensitivities container based on the GadgetronImagesVector class. More... | |
class | ImageWrap |
Wrapper for ISMRMRD::Image. More... | |
class | GTConnector |
Shared pointer wrap-up for GadgetronClientConnector. More... | |
class | GadgetHandle |
Shared pointer wrap-up for the abstract gadget class aGadget. More... | |
class | GadgetChain |
Gadget chain class. More... | |
class | AcquisitionsProcessor |
A particular type of Gadget chain that has AcquisitionData on input and output. More... | |
class | ImagesReconstructor |
A particular type of Gadget chain that has AcquisitionData on input and ImageData on output. More... | |
class | ImagesProcessor |
A particular type of Gadget chain that has ImageData on input and output. More... | |
class | MRAcquisitionModel |
A class for MR acquisition modelling. More... | |
class | Gridder |
Class to perform a NUFFT for 2D data. More... | |
class | RPEFourierEncoding |
Implementation to perform a non-cartesian FFT for RPE MR data. More... | |
class | NonCartesian2DEncoding |
class | TrajectoryPreparation |
Abstract class defining the interface to set trajectories. More... | |
class | CartesianTrajectoryPrep |
Class to get cartesian encoding phase encoding locations. More... | |
class | GRPETrajectoryPrep |
Class to set the golden-angle radial phase encoding (GRPE) trajectory. More... | |
class | NonCartesian2DTrajPrep |
Interface to set the 2D radial trajectory. More... | |
class | Radial2DTrajprep |
Implementation to set anglular increment for 2D radial trajectory based on (Pi=3.141...)/#Angles. More... | |
class | GoldenAngle2DTrajprep |
Implementation to set anglular increment for 2D radial trajectory based on doi:10.1109/TMI.2006.885337. More... | |
class | xGadgetronUtilities |
class | Mutex |
class | SIRFUtilities |
class | ProjDataFile |
STIR ProjDataInterfile wrapper with additional file managing features. More... | |
class | STIRAcquisitionData |
STIR ProjData wrapper with added functionality. More... | |
class | STIRAcquisitionDataInFile |
In-file implementation of STIRAcquisitionData. More... | |
class | STIRAcquisitionDataInMemory |
In-memory implementation of STIRAcquisitionData. More... | |
class | STIRImageData |
STIR DiscretisedDensity<3, float> wrapper with added functionality. More... | |
class | ListmodeToSinograms |
Listmode-to-sinograms converter. More... | |
class | PETAcquisitionSensitivityModel |
Class for PET scanner detector efficiencies model. More... | |
class | PETAcquisitionModel |
Class for a PET acquisition model. More... | |
class | PETSingleScatterSimulator |
Class for simulating the scatter contribution to PET data. More... | |
class | PETScatterEstimator |
Class for estimating the scatter contribution in PET projection data. More... | |
class | PETAcquisitionModelUsingMatrix |
Ray tracing matrix implementation of the PET acquisition model. More... | |
class | PETAcquisitionModelUsingRayTracingMatrix |
class | PETAttenuationModel |
Attenuation model. More... | |
class | xSTIR_Box3D |
Accessor classes. More... | |
class | xSTIR_GeneralisedPrior3DF |
class | xSTIR_QuadraticPrior3DF |
class | xSTIR_LogcoshPrior3DF |
class | xSTIR_RelativeDifferencePrior3DF |
class | xSTIR_PLSPrior3DF |
class | xSTIR_GeneralisedObjectiveFunction3DF |
class | xSTIR_PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData3DF |
class | xSTIR_IterativeReconstruction3DF |
class | xSTIR_OSMAPOSLReconstruction3DF |
class | xSTIR_KOSMAPOSLReconstruction3DF |
class | xSTIR_OSSPSReconstruction3DF |
class | xSTIR_FBP2DReconstruction |
class | xSTIR_SeparableGaussianImageFilter |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::map< std::string, int > | Dimensions |
typedef GeometricalInfo< 3, 3 > | GeometricalInfo3D |
typedef VoxelisedGeometricalInfo< 3 > | VoxelisedGeometricalInfo3D |
typedef VoxelisedGeometricalInfo< 3 >::TransformMatrix | TransformMatrix3D |
using | SIRF_DEPRECATED_USING = NiftyResampler< float > |
typedef ISMRMRDImageData | GadgetronImageData |
typedef Gadgetron::hoNDArray< std::complex< float > > | CFGThoNDArr |
typedef Gridder< 2 > | Gridder2D |
typedef TrajectoryPreparation< 2 > | TrajectoryPreparation2D |
typedef TrajectoryPreparation< 3 > | TrajectoryPreparation3D |
typedef STIRAcquisitionData | PETAcquisitionData |
typedef STIRAcquisitionDataInFile | PETAcquisitionDataInFile |
typedef STIRAcquisitionDataInMemory | PETAcquisitionDataInMemory |
typedef Image3DF::full_iterator | Image3DFIterator |
typedef Image3DF::const_full_iterator | Image3DFIterator_const |
typedef stir::DiscretisedDensity< 3, float > | Image3DF |
typedef stir::shared_ptr< Image3DF > | sptrImage3DF |
typedef stir::shared_ptr< stir::ProjData > | sptrProjData |
typedef stir::CartesianCoordinate3D< float > | Coord3DF |
typedef stir::CartesianCoordinate3D< int > | Coord3DI |
typedef stir::VoxelsOnCartesianGrid< float > | Voxels3DF |
typedef stir::shared_ptr< Voxels3DF > | sptrVoxels3DF |
typedef stir::shared_ptr< stir::Shape3D > | sptrShape3D |
typedef stir::Reconstruction< Image3DF > | Reconstruction3DF |
typedef stir::IterativeReconstruction< Image3DF > | IterativeReconstruction3DF |
typedef stir::GeneralisedObjectiveFunction< Image3DF > | ObjectiveFunction3DF |
typedef stir::PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMean< Image3DF > | PoissonLogLhLinModMean3DF |
typedef stir::ProjectorByBinPairUsingProjMatrixByBin | ProjectorPairUsingMatrix |
typedef stir::ProjMatrixByBinUsingRayTracing | RayTracingMatrix |
typedef stir::ProjMatrixByBinSPECTUB | SPECTUBMatrix |
typedef stir::GeneralisedPrior< Image3DF > | Prior3DF |
typedef stir::QuadraticPrior< float > | QuadPrior3DF |
typedef stir::LogcoshPrior< float > | LogPrior3DF |
typedef stir::RelativeDifferencePrior< float > | RDPrior3DF |
typedef stir::PLSPrior< float > | PLSPrior3DF |
typedef stir::DataProcessor< Image3DF > | DataProcessor3DF |
typedef stir::TruncateToCylindricalFOVImageProcessor< float > | CylindricFilter3DF |
typedef DataProcessor3DF | ImageDataProcessor |
A typedef to use SIRF terminology for DataProcessors. More... | |
typedef PETAcquisitionModel | AcqMod3DF |
typedef PETAcquisitionModelUsingMatrix | AcqModUsingMatrix3DF |
typedef std::shared_ptr< AcqMod3DF > | sptrAcqMod3DF |
typedef xSTIR_PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData3DF | PoissonLogLhLinModMeanProjData3DF |
Functions | |
bool | iequals (const std::string &a, const std::string &b) |
Case insensitive string comparison, replaces boost::iequals. | |
template<typename Type > | |
NumberType::Type | TypeID (Type t) |
std::string | getenv (const char *name, bool throws=false) |
char | path_separator () |
return the path-separator used by the OS More... | |
void * | cReg_NiftiImageDataParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
void * | cReg_setRegistrationParameter (void *hp, const char *name, const void *hv) |
void * | cReg_setNiftyRegistrationParameter (void *hp, const char *name, const void *hv) |
void * | cReg_setNiftyF3dSymParameter (void *hp, const char *name, const void *hv) |
void * | cReg_setNiftyResamplerParameter (void *hp, const char *name, const void *hv) |
void * | cReg_NiftyResamplerParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
void * | cReg_ImageWeightedMeanParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
void * | cReg_AffineTransformationParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
template<class A > | |
std::string | get_typename (A) |
Get template type as human-readable name. | |
void * | cGT_acquisitionParameter (void *ptr_acq, const char *name) |
void * | cGT_acquisitionsParameter (void *ptr_acq, const char *name) |
void * | cGT_imageParameter (void *ptr_im, const char *name) |
void * | cGT_AcquisitionModelParameter (void *ptr_am, const char *name) |
void * | cGT_setCSParameter (void *ptr, const char *par, const void *val) |
void | match_img_header_to_acquisition (CFImage &img, const ISMRMRD::Acquisition &acq) |
void | preprocess_acquisition_data (MRAcquisitionData &ad) |
void | set_unit_dcf (MRAcquisitionData &ad) |
void | set_acq_default_orientation (std::string path_in, std::string path_out) |
void | write_cfimage_to_raw (const std::string &fname_prefix, const CFImage &img) |
void | write_cfimage_to_raw (const std::string &fname_prefix, const ImageWrap &iw) |
void | write_imagevector_to_raw (const std::string &fname_prefix, const sirf::GadgetronImagesVector &iv) |
sirf::MRAcquisitionModel | get_prepared_MRAcquisitionModel (const MRAcquisitionData &ad) |
void * | cSTIR_setImageDataParameter (void *hp, const char *name, const void *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_AcquisitionDataParameter (void *hp, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_ImageDataParameter (void *hp, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setListmodeToSinogramsParameter (void *hp, const char *name, const void *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_setShapeParameter (void *hp, const char *name, const void *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_shapeParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setBox3DParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_Box3DParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setEllipsoidParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_ellipsoidParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setEllipsoidalCylinderParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_ellipsoidalCylinderParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setRayTracingMatrixParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_rayTracingMatrixParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setSPECTUBMatrixParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_SPECTUBMatrixParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setPinholeSPECTUBMatrixParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_PinholeSPECTUBMatrixParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setAcquisitionModelParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_AcquisitionModelParameter (DataHandle *hm, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setAcqModUsingMatrixParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_acqModUsingMatrixParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setTruncateToCylindricalFOVImageProcessorParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_truncateToCylindricalFOVImageProcessorParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setSeparableGaussianImageFilterParameter (void *hp, const char *name, const void *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_setGeneralisedPriorParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_generalisedPriorParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setQuadraticPriorParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_QuadraticPriorParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setLogcoshPriorParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_LogcoshPriorParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setRelativeDifferencePriorParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_RelativeDifferencePriorParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setPLSPriorParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_PLSPriorParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_generalisedObjectiveFunctionParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setScatterSimulatorParameter (const DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_setScatterEstimatorParameter (const DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_ScatterEstimatorParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setGeneralisedObjectiveFunctionParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_setPoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_setPoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjDataParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjDataParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setReconstructionParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_setIterativeReconstructionParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_iterativeReconstructionParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setOSMAPOSLParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_OSMAPOSLParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setOSSPSParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_OSSPSParameter (const DataHandle *handle, const char *name) |
void * | cSTIR_setFBP2DParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name, const DataHandle *hv) |
void * | cSTIR_FBP2DParameter (DataHandle *hp, const char *name) |
template<typename T > | |
std::string | append_path (std::string path, T a) |
template<typename T , typename... Ts> | |
std::string | append_path (std::string path, T a, Ts... args) |
std::string | examples_data_path (const char *data_type) |
Abstract data container.
Serialized ISMRMRD acquisition header (cf. ismrmrd.h).
Abstract base class for SIRF image data.
A class for a set of generally heterogeneous items of data.
Has vector features: norm, dot product, linear combination, which rely on the same features of the items.
typedef DataProcessor3DF sirf::ImageDataProcessor |
A typedef to use SIRF terminology for DataProcessors.
\todo We should have a sirf::ImageDataProcessor which takes a sirf::ImageData, but that's too much work for now...
Backward compatibility - to be removed in SIRF 4
std::string sirf::append_path | ( | std::string | path, |
T | a | ||
) |
concatenate path strings
std::string sirf::examples_data_path | ( | const char * | data_type | ) |
Returns where the examples are installed
char sirf::path_separator | ( | ) |
return the path-separator used by the OS
Usually this will return a forward-slash, but it could be a backslash on Windows.