SIRF 3.8.0 Released

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SIRF 3.8.0 Released

Aug 1, 2024

We are delighted to announce the release of our Synergistic Image Reconstruction Framework (SIRF) and associated projects Version 3.8.0.

  • Main new features in SIRF include:
    • SIRF/STIR (PET and SPECT):
      • use direct STIR operations for arrays, potentially resulting in speed-up when using STIR 6.2 or later
      • fixed STIR linking problems by adding STIR_REGISTRIES to Reg executables
      • added `compute_attenuation_factors` method to AcquisitionSensitivityModel
      • added means for setting maximal and minimal value for scale factor in stir::ScatterEstimation
      • added support for the STIR 6.2 (somewhat experimental) Cuda Relative Difference Prior
    • MR
      • fixed density_weight shape issue caused by upgrading numpy to version 2.0
  • CMake/building:
    • set CMP0074 policy to NEW, i.e. honour _ROOT env variables

See our change log for more details, and our github repository or doxygen for further information.

The SIRF-SuperBuild has been updated to use more recent versions of many packages, including

  • STIR: v6.2.0
  • parallelproj: v1.9.1
  • CIL: v24.1.0
  • CCPi-Regularisation-Toolkit: 24.0.1

For further details visit

Please visit our software framework page for further information and links, including links to the VM and Docker builds.

Please try this new SIRF version out and let us know, by mailing to CCP SyneRBI Developers list SYNERBI-DEVEL@JISCMAIL.AC.UK, whether it worked for you and provide feedback.

We’re taking the opportunity to thank our many contributors for continuing to improve SIRF and its dependencies. Do join us for our next steps forward!