Steering Panel Minutes

Steering Panel Meetings Minutes

The CCP SyneRBI Steering Panel meetings are held every 6 months to present the progress of the CCP and set future priorities.

The Steering Panel of CCPSyneRBI includes several independent scientists based in academic and non-academic institutions with interest in the project. The Panel provides advice on the direction and prioritisation of the project’s activities and it is expected to meet twice a year remotely. The Panel members are not fixed and they can change from time to time depending on the availability of the members and the needs of the collaboration.

Academic and non-academic scientists from all around the world are invited to express their interest in joining our Steering Panel. We are looking particularly for leading scientists with interest in various imaging modalities (e.g. CT, MRI, SPECT, PET), techniques (e.g. AI methods, GPU software development, data science) or clinical applications areas (e.g. cancer, brain, cardiovascular) who additionally could act as advocates of the activities of our network (e.g. assist in organising workshops, training/summer schools, symposia, promote exchange visits opportunities, national/international grant proposals, lobbying for relevant funding calls).

For expressing interest in joining please contact the Principal Investigator of the project, Professor Kris Thielemans.


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SyneRBI Steering Panel minutes of 20230929


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