PETRIC Workshop 2024: Recordings

Home » PETRIC Workshop 2024: Recordings

PETRIC Workshop 2024: Recordings

Dec 3, 2024

The PETRIC challenge has culminated in a very inspiring workshop. With great pleasure we share the recordings. Below you can find the workshop agenda and PDFs of the presentations where available.

Please notice that all presentations are licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0

Thanks to all participants to the workshop and the challenge.


Kris Thielemans
Casper da Costa-Luis
Andrew Reader
Jeff Fessler
Team MaGeZ
Team EWS
Team SOS
Awards Ceremony
Daniel McGowan
Kris Thielemans
What is PETRIC and why
Competition cloud infrastructure
Advancing PET image reconstruction: from MAP to generative AI
Patch-based diffusion models for image reconstruction
Efficient optimization of Poisson log likelihood and RDP prior for PET using preconditioned SVRG
University College London Educated Warm-Start team
Fast regularised PET reconstruction with the stochastic averaging and an Armijo line search
Awards Ceremony
Clinical Implementation of New PET Reconstruction Methods
Closing remarks