The Collaborative Computational Projects (CCPs) bring together leading UK expertise in key fields of computational research to tackle large-scale scientific software development, maintenance and distribution. Each project represents many years of intellectual and financial investment. The aim is to capitalise on this investment by encouraging widespread and long term use of the software.

Each CCP has a Chair and an Executive Group and a Working Group, which sets the scientific agenda, decides the work programme and monitors progress.

Executive Board Members


Jakob Sauer Jørgensen

Jakob Sauer Jørgensen

Jakob Sauer Jørgensen is a Senior Researcher at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and a Presidential Fellow from The ...

Jay Warnett

Jay Warnett

Position - Project Co-Investigator

Dr Warnett joined WMG as an Assistant Professor in August 2016. He has influenced policy in the area with co-authorship of the EPSRC ...

Llion Evans

Llion Evans

Position - Project Co-Investigator

Dr Llion Evans held an EPSRC Manufacturing Research Fellowship (In-line virtual qualification from 3D X-ray imaging for high-value ...

William Lionheart

William Lionheart

Position - Project Co-Investigator, Professor of Applied Mathematics

Bill Lionheart works on theoretical, numerical and applied aspects on inverse problems in imaging. Current interests include medical ...

Prof Philip Withers (Chair)

Prof Philip Withers (Chair)

Position - Principal Investigator, Chief Scientist of the Henry Royce Institute for Advanced Materials

Phil Withers is Co-Director of the National Research Facility for Lab. X-ray CT and Chief Scientist of the Henry Royce Institute for ...

Martin Turner

Martin Turner

Position - Project Co-Investigator

Martin Turner is the Business Relationship Manager for Research IT Services, crossing all faculties and centres, at the University of ...

Core Developers

The Computational Science Centre for Research Communities (CoSeC) supports the CCPs providing scientists, software developers and by organisation of meetings/events.

Edoardo Pasca

Edoardo Pasca

Position - Senior Scientist at Scientific Department of STFC

Edoardo Pasca is Senior Computational Scientist at UKRI-STFC, where he leads a team of scientists/developers who develop the Core ...

Laura Murgatroyd

Laura Murgatroyd

Position - Scientific Software Engineer in the Scientific Computing Department at STFC

Laura works on developing a GUI for CIL, and for the Extreme Photonics Application Centre (EPAC). She has an MSci in Physics, and ...

Gemma Fardell

Gemma Fardell

Position - Imaging Scientist at the Scientific Department of STFC-UKRI

Gemma Fardell worked at CERN during her PhD in Physics. She then moved to industry working in X-Ray tomography in research and ...

Evangelos Papoutsellis

Evangelos Papoutsellis

Position - Scientist at Finden

My research is focused on mathematical image processing, inverse problems and machine learning for tomography applications, especially ...

Jakob Sauer Jørgensen

Jakob Sauer Jørgensen

Jakob Sauer Jørgensen is a Senior Researcher at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and a Presidential Fellow from The ...