PETRIC Workshop and Award Ceremony

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PETRIC Workshop and Award Ceremony

Recently, several advanced image reconstruction methods have been developed exploiting improved optimisation methods, machine learning and more powerful computer hardware. In tandem, the problem setting is becoming increasingly challenging, due to larger size of the measured data, multi-sequence/model data and applications in a high-noise context.

In this workshop our invited experts will present recent advances in image reconstruction, covering developments in CT, MRI and PET. This will be followed by an overview of the PET Rapid Image Reconstruction Challenge which will have concluded before the conference.

Finally, the top scoring teams will present their work and we will announce the winners of PETRIC.

Provisional schedule

Times are in EST, Tampa, Florida USA.

Kris Thielemans
Jeff Fessler
Andrew Reader
Coffee break
3 participant presentations
Awards Ceremony
Daniel McGowan
Harry Tsoumpas
What is PETRIC and why
Patch-based diffusion models for image reconstruction
Advancing PET image reconstruction: from MAP to generative AI
Clinical Implementation of New PET Reconstruction Methods
Closing Remarks

Remote Attendance

Remote attendance is possible but since the event is taking place during the 2024 IEEE NSS MIC, it requires online registration at the website:, and then follow the instructions provided by the conference organisers.

November 2, 2024

8:00 pm


10:00 pm

Tampa, FL, USA. NOTICE Times are in EST