CCP SyneRBI Prizes 2023-2024

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CCP SyneRBI Prizes 2023-2024

Jul 19, 2024

We are pleased to announce the winners of the CCP-SyneRBI prize for the most active contributors (Early Career Researchers, excluding CoIs, CoSeC) on:

  • Software
  • Training
  • Participation on mailing lists/GitHub etc
  • Helping others

Gold ex aequo


Evangelos Papoutsellis

Finden Ltd

For his contributions to CIL on stochastic optimisation algorithms.

Nikos Efthimiou
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH

for his contributions to STIR and SIRF, especially PET Time of Flight, and assistance with our trainingschools



Nicole Jurjew

for her contributions to STIR for improvements of PET Time of Flight, and assistance with our training schools



Imraj Singh

for his contributions to STIR towards integration with machine learning tools