Announcement of the winners of PETRIC

Announcement of the winners of PETRIC

We are pleased to announce the winners of the PETRIC challenge. First place Team MaGeZ £500 Matthias Ehrhardt (Bath) Georg Schramm (Leuven) Zeljko Kereta (UCL) Approaches: Improved versions of SVRG ALG1: Preconditioning ALG2: ALG1 + step sizes (Barzelai-Borwein) ALG3:...
PETRIC Workshop 2024: Recordings

PETRIC Workshop 2024: Recordings

The PETRIC challenge has culminated in a very inspiring workshop. With great pleasure we share the recordings. Below you can find the workshop agenda and PDFs of the presentations where available. Please notice that all presentations are licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0...
CCP SyneRBI Prizes 2023-2024

CCP SyneRBI Prizes 2023-2024

We are pleased to announce the winners of the CCP-SyneRBI prize for the most active contributors (Early Career Researchers, excluding CoIs, CoSeC) on: Software Training Participation on mailing lists/GitHub etc Helping others Gold ex aequo £400 Evangelos Papoutsellis...