SIRF 3.8.0 Released

SIRF 3.8.0 Released

We are delighted to announce the release of our Synergistic Image Reconstruction Framework (SIRF) and associated projects Version 3.8.0. Main new features in SIRF include: SIRF/STIR (PET and SPECT): use direct STIR operations for arrays, potentially resulting in...
CCP SyneRBI Prizes 2023-2024

CCP SyneRBI Prizes 2023-2024

We are pleased to announce the winners of the CCP-SyneRBI prize for the most active contributors (Early Career Researchers, excluding CoIs, CoSeC) on: Software Training Participation on mailing lists/GitHub etc Helping others Gold ex aequo £400 Evangelos Papoutsellis...
SIRF 3.7.0 released

SIRF 3.7.0 released

We are very happy to announce the 3.7.0 release of SIRF and associated software. SIRF 3.7.0 (tagged a few weeks ago) main features are exposing STIR’s PET list-mode reconstruction and capability to multiply with the Hessian of the objective function. See Release...
STIR version 6.0.0 released

STIR version 6.0.0 released

Happy to announce release 6.0.0 of the Open Source Software for Tomographic Image Reconstruction (STIR, This is a major step forward by merging Time-of-flight support for PET, as well as a C++ refresh. More detail is in the release notes...
SIRF 3.4.0 released

SIRF 3.4.0 released

Dear All, We are delighted to announce the release of our Synergistic Image Reconstruction Framework (SIRF) and associated projects Version 3.4.0. New features in SIRF include: MR: Support for spiral trajectories that are pre-computed by the user. Support for...